On-Chain Governance

Governance Polls

Governance Polls occur on-chain and can be accessed through the BakerDAO Foundation's Voting Portal.

Polls use instant run-off, so you can select multiple options and ranked-choices will be prioritized.

Governance Polls measure the sentiment of BKR voters, and are used to:

  • Determine governance and DAO processes outside the technical layer of the BakerDAO Protocol.

  • Form consensus on important community goals and targets.

  • Measure sentiment on potential Executive Vote proposals.

  • Ratify governance proposals originating from the BakerDAO forum signal threads.

  • Determine which values certain system parameters should be set to before those values are then confirmed in an executive vote.

  • Ratify risk parameters for new collateral types as presented by Risk Teams.

Executive Votes

Executive Votes occur on-chain and can be accessed through the Maker Foundation's Voting Portal.

Executive Votes "execute" technical changes to the Maker Protocol. When active, each Executive Vote has a proposed set of changes being made on the BakerDAO Protocol's smart-contracts.

Unlike the other types of votes, Executive Votes use a 'Continuous Approval Voting' model.

Executive Votes can be used to:

  • Add or remove collateral types.

  • Add or remove Vault types.

  • Adjust global system parameters.

  • Adjust Vault-specific parameters.

  • Replace modular smart contracts.

Anyone can create an on-chain Executive Vote using the BakerDAO governance contracts, however, there is no non-technical UI available to do this.

Users can create proposals, also known as "Slates," through this experimental portal, or by interacting directly with the smart contracts.

Last updated